Social Injustice and the Mourning of the Earth: Ecological Reading of Prophetic Texts

  • Nicoletta Gatti Dept. for the Study of Religions, University of Ghana, Legon
Keywords: Isa. 5:8-10, Isa. 24:1-7, Land grabbing, Ghana Ecological Crisis, Mic. 2:1-2


In the encyclical letter Laudato Sì, Pope Francis proposed an integral ecology, able to listen to the cry of the poor and the cry of the earth. This intuition is present in the ancient prophetic books of Israel where “the earth mourns” (Isa. 24:4) for the social injustice, for human inability to build a fraternal relationship. The article explores how the ecological reading of prophetic texts can become educational tools to guide Christian communities living in the Ghanaian context towards an ‘ecological conversion.’
