Pharyngoplasty effectively relieves dysphagia from radiation-induced upper gastrointestinal tract strictures: A report of two cases
Pharyngoplasty relieves dysphagia from radiation-induced upper GIT strictures
Colopharyngoplasty, radiation therapy, sternocleidomastiod, myocutaneous, pharyngoesophagoplasty
Pharyngoesophageal strictures following external beam radiation therapy for nasopharyngeal tumors are common. The management has mainly been repeated dilatation. We report two cases of pharyngeal strictures following radiation therapy. Management modalities were repeated dilatation followed by colopharyngoplasty for the first case, and sternocleidomastoid myocutaneous pharyngoplasty for the second case. Both had uneventful post-operative recovery and have no dysphagia to solids or liquids since surgery.
Case Report