Urethral calculus causing retention of urine in a female

  • Yamoah Kwame Mathew Kyei Department of Surgery, University of Ghana Medical School, College of Health Science, University of Ghana, Accra, Ghana
Keywords: urethra, calculus, female, retention of urine


Abstract: Urethral calculi (stones) have been noted to be extremely rare in females due to their short urethra that has a straight course. And for such a calculus (stone) to cause retention of urine is extremely rare. Its management is to retrieve the calculus  if it is small as to traverse the external Urethral meatus. This is best avoided if the calculus is large , in such a situation the calculus is manipulated back into the bladder and fragmented. The image of a urethra calculus impacted in the urethra of a female and causing retention of urine is presented in this clinical image with the intended course of management stated.
