Welcome message from the Editor-in-chief 2023
The Health Sciences Investigations Journal (HSI Journal) is pleased to present Volume 4 Issue 2, featuring an expanded selection of sixteen articles, including eleven original research articles, four medical case reports, and one clinical image. This substantial increase from the previous eight articles is attributed to the Journal's recent indexing in both African Journals Online (AJOL) and Elsevier's Scopus, a prestigious research database. This recognition positions the HSI Journal to make a significant impact on the global biochemical and clinical communities. Additionally, the Journal is actively pursuing indexing in other prominent online repositories, such as PubMed. To achieve this goal, we are continuously striving to enhance the quality of our publications with each issue. Since our indexing in Scopus, we have received an influx of manuscript submissions from Ghana and other regions. Our dedicated team is committed to further enhancing the Journal's visibility and recognition in PubMed and other online repositories. We extend our sincere gratitude to the Editorial Board members and reviewers for their invaluable contributions and suggestions in making this achievement possible. We also acknowledge the immense support and guidance provided by the Technical Team, Advisory Board, all authors, and publishers.