Intra-arterial chemotherapy for retinoblastoma: a case series report
Intra-arterial chemotherapy for retinoblastoma: A case series report
Intra-arterial chemotherapy (IAC) has recently emerged as one of the most effective treatments for retinoblastoma. This treatment method reduces systemic toxicity by catheterising the ophthalmic artery with extreme precision. Although current data suggests success with the transradial route, it is traditionally performed through the transfemoral access, as is the case with most neurovascular procedures. We report
the first case series in Ghana, as well as our technique, safety, and efficacy of transfemoral intra-arterial chemotherapy. We reviewed our database retrospectively and provided our technique and preliminary results from three consecutive individuals aged 2 to 16 years who underwent seven transfemoral IAC treatments. All of the IACs were completed successfully. Repeat IACs were performed on two patients, and a third session was performed on a third patient, all through the right femoral artery. There were no thromboembolic events or access site complications, such as hematoma. All patients were discharged home the same day of the procedure. In young patients with retinoblastoma, our case series confirms the safety and feasibility of transfemoral IAC. It will become the preferred sight-saving option when more experience is obtained, and the procedure becomes less expensive.