Welcome message from the Editor-in-chief

  • Andrew Anthony Adjei Department of Pathology, University of Ghana Medical School, College of Health Sciences, University of Ghana, Accra, Ghana
Keywords: Editorial


I welcome you to Volume 5, issue 1 of the Health Sciences Investigations (HSI) Journal. The field of biomedical sciences is  experiencing an unprecedented era of innovations and discoveries. Thus, the HSI Journal continues to influence the biomedical and clinical communities worldwide with various research outcomes. Currently, the Journal is indexed in the African Journals OnLine (AJOL), the world's largest and preeminent platform for African-published scholarly journals, and Scopus, a worldwide abstract and citation database of peerreviewed literature, including scientific journals, books, and conference proceedings. The Journal is working on indexing in other prominent online repositories. The HSI Journal's Editorial team works sedulously to maintain the quality of research articles published by the Editorial office. The current issue of the Journal has fourteen articles. Nine are original research articles, one review article, two short communications, one medical case report, and one clinical image. The medical case reports concern the comprehensive rehabilitation of a young individual with
post-tuberculosis triple knee deformity and rehabilitation of a young individual with post-tuberculosis triple knee deformity.
The original research articles featured in this issue cover areas such as practice awareness of some Ghanaian healthcare workers concerning pneumonia therapy in children, lactate dehydrogenase as a potential predictive index in breast cancer chemotherapy response, the impact of water, sanitation, hygiene, diarrhoea, and malnutrition on children in Chad, enhancing a conventional malaria therapy, risk factors for musculoskeletal complaints, dietary patterns and basal metabolic index among others. The commentaries in this issue are on emerging trends in surgical cases in Africa and the increasing burden of chronic
diseases in Ghana, a call for behavioural interventions. The review article focuses on a medicinal plant for tropical diseases.
I sincerely appreciate the assiduous Technical Team, Editorial Board Members and Reviewers for their effort in driving the vision of the Journal to be a driving force in the advancement of health sciences. I am also grateful to the Advisory Board, Authors and Publishers. I welcome suggestions, complaints, discussions and thoughts from Authors and Readers to help us improve and maintain high standards.
