Statement on Illegal Mining

  • Ghana Academy of Art & Sciences Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences
Keywords: Illegal mining, environmental degradation, galamsey, surface mining, land reclamation


Ghana is on the brink of an environmental, health and social disaster as a result of illegal mining. We are rapidly approaching the precipice despite the efforts by successive governments to address this menace. The latest ‘Fight Against Galamsey’ has failed in spite of the legalinstitutional framework that was put in place. For instance, although the Minerals and Mining (Amendment) Act, 2019 (Act 995) was passed to specifically redefine the offence of illegal mining (including illegal small-scale mining such as galamsey) and to provide punishment for it, the government has proved unwilling, unable and/or reluctant to enforce thelaw. The two versions of ‘Operation Halt,’ the military operation to root out illegal mining, have also petered out.
