Legon Journal of the Humanities 2024-12-01T13:24:02+00:00 Prof. Benedicta A. Lomotey Open Journal Systems OVERCOMING LINGUISTIC BARRIERS, ADVANCING GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP, AND EMBRACING HUMANISM THROUGH FOREIGN LANGUAGE EDUCATION 2024-11-29T17:45:28+00:00 Franklina Kabio-Danlebo Ildiko Csajbok-Twerefou Joanna Boampong <p>(Abstract to be added once the number of papers to be included in this S.I has been finalized)</p> 2024-11-29T17:39:50+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Legon Journal of the Humanities English in Brian Chikwava’s Harare North 2024-11-29T17:45:29+00:00 Dunlop Ochieng <p>Different conclusions have been made on Chikwava’s Harare North depending on the focus and methodology of the reviewer. My research focused on the language of the novel, adopted a sociolinguistic framework, and used artificial intelligence for data analysis. The research reports that the author mixes Standard Englishes with Native Non-Standard Englishes and non-native Englishes with Pidgin Englishes. He Africanizes English and code mixes it with Zimbabwean languages and major African lingua francas. There are also plenty of Africanized names, colloquial English and slang. This English, I call Globlish, permits the user to exhaust his/her repertoire without care for standards. In my view, the style romanticises an ideal global English that values every speaker’s culture, background, affiliation and linguistic experience. The use of such a language in non-fiction hypothesises the future transformation of English to cater for the multiplicity in the use of English in the globalised world</p> 2024-11-29T17:39:08+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Legon Journal of the Humanities Motivational Drivers and Cultural Learning Outcomes in Language Immersion Programmes 2024-11-29T17:45:29+00:00 Josephine Araba Duncan Ofori Franklina Kabio-Danlebo Mishael Annoh-Achampong <p>Language immersion programmes have been crucial to the Department of Modern Languages at the University of Ghana, allowing students to spend an academic year in countries where target languages are spoken. This research investigates the motivational factors driving student participation and the impact on cultural understanding. Using the mixed method through semi-structured questionnaires, it examines the experiences of students in the Spanish Section over the past nine years. Findings show that language immersion programmes enhance cultural understanding and that both intrinsic and extrinsic factors are essential for maximizing participation and ensuring a rewarding experience. Despite their benefits, challenges such as financial constraints, adjustment difficulties, cultural shock, and impacts on personal relationships must also be addressed to enhance the effectiveness of these programmes. These insights highlight the need to reassess and expand language immersion opportunities for students at the University of Ghana.</p> 2024-11-29T17:40:23+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Legon Journal of the Humanities Ghanaian-Nigerian Cultural and Linguistic Transfer in the Pichi and Spanish of Equatorial Guinea 2024-11-29T17:45:30+00:00 Ewurama Okine <p>This paper discusses cultural and lexical evidence of Ghanaian-Nigerian language contact in Pichi (an English-lexifier creole) and Spanish of Equatorial Guinea. Existing research on the lexicon of Pichi and Equatoguinean Spanish has centered primarily on the European and Bantu origins of <em>guineanismos</em>, that is, loanwords and neologisms in Equatoguinean vocabulary. Inasmuch as Ghana, Nigeria, and Equatorial Guinea remain in close proximity, research on cross-cultural and linguistic connections between these three multilingual countries is scant. This study seeks to fill the gap with an analysis of lexical and cultural data gathered from fieldwork and secondary online sources. The objective of this study is to increase visibility on the historical, cultural, and linguistic connections between two Anglophone countries and a Hispanophone country in sub-Saharan Africa. These connections can further inspire the design of pedagogical materials for Spanish language classrooms within and beyond the African continent.</p> <p><em>Keywords</em>: culture, lexicon, linguistic transfer, Spanish, Africa</p> 2024-11-29T17:40:57+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Legon Journal of the Humanities Towards mastery and performance: 2024-12-01T13:24:02+00:00 Sarah Marjie Obeyaa Sackey-Amakye <p>Previous studies on the motivation of students studying foreign languages in the Ghanaian context have focused on students' perceptions about the languages they are studying and how these affect their motivation. Most of the studies showed that learners at the tertiary level are most likely to be extrinsically motivated. Although studies on students' perception of foreign language learning in recent years have gradually shifted their focus to the goals pursued by the learner, not much attention has been given to the learner's desired goals or learning orientation at the University of Ghana. This paper aims to study how students enrolled in French and Kiswahili at the University of Ghana manage their motivation regarding their learning orientation, individual goal settings, and institutional goals. The study will focus on third-year students to enable us to&nbsp;understand their journeys throughout their studies. Using a mixed-method approach, the study adopts items from 3 motivational orientation tools: Learning -Orientation/Grade-Orientation Scale (LOGO), Goal Orientation and Learning Strategies Survey (GOAL-S), and Patterns of Adaptive Learning Scales (PALS).</p> 2024-11-29T17:41:57+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Legon Journal of the Humanities Arabic language use in Ghana: Retrospect and prospect 2024-11-29T17:45:31+00:00 Alhassan Abdur-Rahim Husein <p>Arabic education in Ghana has witnessed tremendous growth since its introduction in the country in the fifteenth century. This study explores the historical and contemporary trends in Arabic education, highlighting the factors that have characterised its growth and usage over time. To address these issues, the study employed a qualitative desk research method. This involved collecting and analysing a wide range of published materials, including academic articles and policy documents to gain comprehensive insights into Arabic education in the country. Findings show that Arabic scholarship is well established in Ghana. Furthermore, the current initiative by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NaCCA) to standardise the curriculum will facilitate its integration into more schools, ensuring continuity in its teaching and learning. The findings also suggest that Arabic will become a popular subject at the pre-tertiary and tertiary levels as it has emerged as an instrument of political engagement during election campaigns, where politicians leverage its religious significance to connect with the Muslim community and gain their support. These developments highlight the broader socio-political implications of Arabic education in Ghana, influencing both educational, community and national dynamics.</p> 2024-11-29T17:41:30+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Legon Journal of the Humanities