Exploring the Type of Social Support Available to Aged Male Hypertensive Clients in Ghana
This study sought to explore the social support available to aged hypertensive male clients in a municipality in Ghana. Data was collected from 186 selected men aged 60 years and older and diagnosed with hypertension for the previous 3 months. They were administered a self-developed questionnaire. The data was processed and analyzed using the SPSS version 23. Some of the variables were subjected to statistical tests and ranked in order of importance to respondents. Respondents accepted to participate in the study after giving their informed consent. It was evident that respondents do not get support to help take care of their conditions. Some of these few supports include feeding, health, and cleaning. Other assistance like clothing, socialization, medication, washing, transportation, and financial support were lacking. Based on the findings, the study concludes that improving support system for respondents, by the government, community, religious bodies, and family can optimize the care of aged hypertensive patients in the Ejura- Sekyedumase Municipality in Ghana.