Exposure to Violence on Television and Video Games and Aggressive Behavior among Children

  • C. B. Wiafe-Akenten Department of Psychology, University of Ghana, Legon


There is a growing concern in Ghana over the kind of television (TV) programs (i.e., movies, cartoons, documentaries, soap operas, video games) children and teenagers in particular are exposed to. Of particular concern is violence in some of the video games they play as well as the movies and other TV programs they have access to or watch in their homes, internet cafes and cinema centers. These concerns have arisen as a result of empirical studies which have established relationships between exposure to violence and aggressive behavior. This article discusses the relationship between watching violence in movies, TV programs, video/computer games and aggressive behavior among children and teenagers. It also highlights the dangers associated with an 'aggressive culture’, its implications for child upbringing, policy formulation, education and the role of law enforcement in the management of aggressive behavior.
