Towards A ‘Healthy’ Future for Mental Health Recordkeeping in Ghana: the Accra Psychiatric Hospi- Tal in Focus
This study investigates the mental health record keeping system at the Accra Psychiatric Hospital in Ghana. The state-of-the-art for the management of mental health records is reviewed with a view to identifying systemic weaknesses and making recommendations for remedial action. The existing recordkeeping practices are described, problems which come to light discussed, and recommendations made for improvement. Data for this study was collected by means of interview and observation. The study reveals that the records system at the Accra Psychiatric Hospital is beset with critical difficulties. Essentially the system in place has remained grounded in the practices and logistics of earlier period and appears to have little sense of future direction. The recordkeeping problems being faced by the hospital are rooted in the lack of adequate policies and procedures; insufficient resources including qualified manpower; and the general absence of a coordinated records management program for the Hospital.