Welcome message from the Editor-in-chief (HSI Journal Volume 3 issue 1)
It is with much pleasure that I welcome you to volume 3 issue 1 of the Health Sciences Investigations Journal. The Journal remains committed to reaching the global biomedical and clinical communities by being accredited (in the not-too-distant future) by African Journal OnLine, Scopus and Pub Med Journal Libraries. Despite the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the HSI Journal has made and continues to make tremendous strides in the publication of manuscripts submitted to the editorial office for consideration. This is attested by the number and quality of research articles in this volume. The clinical images section of penile amputation in a child brings to attention the tragic case of employing the services of a traditional circumciser (widely referred to as wanzam in the Hausa dialect) in circumcision and other penile surgical procedures. Unfortunately, we still have a sizable proportion of the population who engaged in the services of wanzam and such practices should not be ignored. Another article is the association between early onset of childhood paid work activity and future adult health status in Ghana