Prolapse gastropathy: a rare cause of gastrointestinal bleeding in a child
Prolapse gastropathy in a child
Gastrointestinal, endoscopy, children, prolapse, gastropathy
Prolapse gastropathy is a clinical syndrome defined as the invagination of the gastric mucosa into the lower oesophagus due to persistent retching and vomiting. A 15-month-old boy who was previously well presented with repetitive non-bilious vomiting and haematemesis. All laboratory investigations were essentially unremarkable. Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy showed prolapsed gastric mucosa in the oesophagus. The patient was managed with a proton pump inhibitor and cyproheptadine. The lesion had resolved at week 10 follow-up endoscopy. Early upper gastrointestinal endoscopy after adequate resuscitation is required to diagnose vomiting-induced haematemesis due to prolapse gastropathy accurately.

Case Report