Welcome message from the Editor-in-chief (HSI Journal Volume 3 issue 2)

  • Andrew Anthony Adjei Department of Pathology, College of Health Sciences, University of Ghana.


am pleased to welcome you to volume 3 issue 2 of the Health Sciences Investigations (HSI) Journal. The Journal is poised to influence the biomedical and clinical communities worldwide. Currently, the Journal is indexed in the African Journals OnLine (AJOL), the world's largest and preeminent platform for African-published scholarly journals. The Journal is working on further indexing in other prominent online repositories such as PubMed and Scopus. Since its inception, the HSI Journal’s Editorial team has worked assiduously to maintain the quality of research articles that the Editorial office publishes. Eight out of the ten articles in the current issue of the Journal focused on child and maternal health. Non-communicable diseases that affect children include sickle cell disease, hypertension and cancer.
