Health Sciences Investigations Journal
Sixth Edition
Volume 3 Issue 2
Year 2022.
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All content in the HSI Journal is published by the University of Ghana College of Health Sciences. All rights reserved. The HSI Journal publishes articles in Open Access at no cost to authors to allow for the widest visibility of the article. All material published in the HSI Journal is for public use and may be printed; however proper referencing and citation are required. The HSI Journal conforms to the Creative Commons Attribution BY license. This copyright license permits others to distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon the published work if the original creation is duly cited.
The conclusions, findings, and opinions expressed by authors contributing to this edition (HSI Journal Volume 3 Issue 2) do not reflect the official position of the authors’ affiliated institutions, or the Journal’s editorial board, or the University of Ghana College of Health Sciences. Names of non-authors and the affiliations provided in the HSI Journal are for identification only and do not imply endorsement of the published content by authors.