Monarchy, Autocracy or Democracy? Rethinking Term Limits Towards Peace, Stability and Development in Central Africa

Afua Boatemaa Yakohene, Juliana Abena Appiah, and Elorm Mawuli-Kwawu

  • Afua Boatemaa Yakohene LECIAD, University of Ghana
Keywords: Central Africa, governance, term limit, peace, security.


Central Africa’s governance system is punctuated with human rights abuses, high corruption index, abuse of incumbency power, particularly disrespect for political term limits. Central Africa is marked by civil unrest, disrespect for the rule of law and suppression of civil liberties. This observation could well explain why the area reels under slow economic growth and development despite oil export earnings. Its economic underdevelopment fraught with political inhibitions has been linked to poor governance structures, practices and fragile constitution that are easily amendable. Post-colonial rule in Africa has not provided much hope for the region despite the instutionalisation of Regional Economic Communities to harmonise the various economies in the region. Using secondary data, this paper assesses the historicity of the area that Central Africa occupies to establish whether bequeathed colonial legacies have any bearing on their systems of government and approaches resulting in non-adherence to term limits as established in their individual constitutions and legal frameworks. The paper touches briefly on their various governance systems generally and shows the consequences that come in the wake of a term limit violation and its prospects for national and regional peace, stability and development as a whole.




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