National Security policy making in the context of the War on Terror: a look at the Ghana-US military corporation agreement.

  • Kafui Tsekpo UNISA
Keywords: National Security policy, Risk, Ghana, US, Defence Cooperation Agreement, War on Terror


This article examines the Defence Cooperation Agreement between Ghana and the United States of America within the context of Ghana’s National security policy making framework – a sub-set of foreign policy –  a country’s policies that covers all official relations between two or more countries, and the US War on Terror. Following the 9/11 attacks on the US, – a policy that subscribes to militarisation and securitisation of development. Based on the concept of risk which has come to characterise security policy making in the post 9/11 era, the paper argues that the pact between Ghana and the Unites States flouts the formers own defence policy and mechanisms for securing its territorial integrity. More so, the agreement does not portend well for the Ghana’s contribution to the realisation of a peaceful sub-region.


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