Examining the Role of Non- traditional Actors in the Healthcare Supply Chain Network

  • Pasty Asamoah Supply Chain and Information Systems, KNUST, Kumasi
  • Serbe John Marfo Supply Chain and Information Systems, KNUST, Kumasi
  • Pauline Boachie-Ansah Pharmacy Practice, KNUST, Kumasi
  • Matilda Kokui Owusu-Bio Supply Chain and Information Systems, KNUST, Kumasi
  • Evans Amoah Supply Chain and Information Systems, KNUST, Kumasi
  • Francis Adomako Supply Chain and Information Systems, KNUST, Kumasi
Keywords: Healthcare supply chain network, Non-traditional actors, Supply chain disruptions, Actor-network theory


The traditional actors have been the focus of healthcare supply chain network studies over the years. Authors have used linear perspectives to examine the challenges and proposed solutions to them. The non-traditional actors in the HSC network including the regulators, and information technology (IT) service providers have been left unexplored. We argue that the non-traditional HSC actors contribute to the successes and failures in the HSC network, and that there is the need to examine how the non- traditional actors influence the HSC network. We

leverage the actor network theory and the snowball sampling technique to identify and select sixteen (16) actors and interviewed forty-three (43) individuals to examine how the non traditional actors contribute to the successes and failures of the HSC network. We found that, both the regulators, insurance firms and IT service providers influence the HSC network. We discussed the findings, contributions of the study to knowledge and practice, and provided avenues for extending this study.
