Traffic Flow Analysis and Congestion Issues in Lokoja City, Kogi State, Nigeria.
The considerable traffic congestion on some roads in Lokoja city of Kogi State, Nigeria prompted this study. This paper thus, aims to analyze the traffic flow and congestion issues, particularly on the radial and axial roads in the town. The study's objectives are to identify the characteristics and condition of road infrastructure; assess the variation in congestion on axial and radial roads; identify the key factors contributing to traffic congestion; and the effects and management techniques of traffic congestion. A purposive sampling was used to select six roads comprising 3 each of the radial and axial roads with a noticeable amount of traffic. The study employs accidental sampling to administer 267 and 99 copies of the questionnaire to the commuters and operators on the selected roads respectively. Findings of the study reveal that the roads are of good width, (20-22.5m) comprising of 4 lanes for radial roads and 2 lanes for axial roads, but the incidence of potholes is numerous and up to 95 on radial roads. It, however, constitutes a great threat to smooth rides for vehicle operators, thereby increasing the possibility of traffic congestion. Traffic counts study shows that vehicles plying the radial road were higher (504, 426) than that of the axial roads (262,469). At the same time, the afternoon peak hour (4-5 pm) generates a higher traffic density than the morning peak period (7-8 am) on both radial and axial routes. Further analysis shows that disobedience to traffic rules and poor transport design and planning amidst increasing usage of vehicles contributed to the traffic congestion encountered on the roadways. The study, therefore, recommended the need for control measures such as strict enforcement of traffic laws, provision of traffic warden and lights, parking restriction, and rehabilitation of roads ravaged by potholes.