Towards a culture of maps appreciation in Ghana

  • Richard Y. Kofie
Keywords: Maps, geo-information, geographic information systems, spatial awareness


This paper provides a broad insight into what maps are and the purposes they are meant to serve. It looks at the attitudes towards funding support for mapping activities and the relegation of map use and studies to the backburners in many institutions and organizations. The genesis and current state of mapping in Ghana is assessed and what the country is missing out by the inadequate use of maps in the planning, education, resource inventorying and decision-support systems expounded. Some major initiatives have been taken where some institutions now have custody of major databases that can be accessed. Also significant is the number of organisations both within the public and private domain that are deploying maps and geospatial techniques to strengthen the mapping infrastructure of the country.   

Author Biography

Richard Y. Kofie

Council for Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR-Ghana
