Ecotourism Experiences of International Visitors to the Owabi Wildlife Sanctuary, . Ghana

  • Emmanuel A. Mensah University of Cape Coast
Keywords: Content analysis, ecotourism experiences,, Ghana, visitors' books


This article examines the ecotourism experiences of international visitors to
the Owabi Wildlife Sanctuary in Ghana for the period 2003-2008. Through
the content analysis method, written comments and observations made by the
visitors upon the completion of their tours of the sanctuary were analyzed.
The results revealed seven different experiences ranging from excitement,
learning, escape, solitude, relaxation and being close to nature, to
dissatisfaction. It was concluded that the experiences expressed by visitors
regarding the park could have both positive and negative implications for the
image of the sanctuary.

Author Biography

Emmanuel A. Mensah, University of Cape Coast

Department of Geography and Regional Planning
