The influence of ethical leadership on the research performance of academic staff in public institutions of higher education in Tanzania

Keywords: Higher learning institutions, ethical leadership, research performance, integrity


This study looks at how research performance is affected by ethical leadership in Tanzania's public Higher Learning Institutions (HLIs). The study specifically looks at how role clarification and integrity impact employee performance in research. The study's target group consists of 4863 academic staff members of Tanzania's public higher learning institutions, from which 350 respondents were selected using a simple random selection procedure. A self-administered questionnaire with closed-ended questions was used to collect the data. With the use of SPSS software, regression analysis was used to analyse the data quantitatively. The results demonstrate that role clarity and integrity have a favourable impact on staff members' research performance at Tanzanian public higher learning institutions. This study recommends that HLIs leadership should be on the forefront in building ethical leadership among its staff by conforming to rules and regulation (codes of ethics).
