University of Ghana uses Open Journal Systems (OJS) to support the publication of academic and student-led Open Access journals. The journals we support can be accessed from this site.

About UG Journal

Current Journals


  • Sankofa - Ghana Journal of Archaeology and Heritage Studies

    Sankofa is an annually published peer-reviewed journal by the Department of Archaeology and Heritage Studies (DAHS), University of Ghana, Legon.  The journal is open access hosted online by the University of Ghana Online Journal Management Services (UGOJMS). Sankofa publishes original research papers, book reviews, field reports, and expository essays on Archaeology, Heritage, Museums, Anthropology, History, Politics, and Culture in Africa. Sankofa welcomes essays informed by sound theories, innovative praxes, and eclectic syntheses sensitive to African ontologies and epistemologies. Additionally, Sankofa encourages cutting-edge essays that contribute pragmatic solutions to problems that burden contemporary Africa, including environmental sustainability, climate change, economic and sociopolitical transformations, global encounters and exchanges, sustainable community development, and neocolonialism and decoloniality.

  • Ghana International Journal of Mental Health

    The Ghana International Journal of Mental Health was initiated to promote publication of papers in subject areas that have long been inadequately covered here in Ghana and other parts of Africa. In particular, the journal’s aim is to reflect on current mental health trends in many different countries, allowing mental health professionals the opportunity to become familiar with development elsewhere. The journal will devote more attention to mental health issues through research and other articles which are of outstanding historical or biographical interest and often remained unpublished.


  • African Journal of Ageing Studies

    African Journal of Ageing Studies (AJAS) is a peer reviewed multidisciplinary journal, which will be launched in 2023 to provide new perspectives on the challenges of ageing, healthy ageing and increased life expectancy, aged policy dynamics, and quality of life. The editors believe that ageing is a process that affects humanity. It has become increasingly essential and must include improving the quality of life and the well-being of older adults. It should embrace the choices and opportunities that are available to older people.

    This Journal seeks to encourage researchers and/or authors to think about keeping up to date in their respective fields and continue to integrate knowledge, research, both in terms of content and process particularly from multidisciplinary dimensions. Ageing and ageing care needs, preferences, strategies, and policy dynamics cut across economic, social, political, and psychological issues and spectrums.

    The Journal will publish original works related to ageing that expand concepts, measurement tools and policy alternatives. It will provide a platform for an open exchange of ideas among a wide range of scholars, policy makers, economists, researchers, academics, and other experts in the field of ageing.

    The Journal is also interested in: 1) Short Reports – 2-5 page papers where an author can present either preliminary data or an idea with theoretical background but has not yet completed the research needed for a complete paper; 2) Book Reviews – Comments and critiques.


    The African Journal of Ageing Studies will provide a platform for alternative ageing approaches and the Journal will act as a channel for members and critics of this school. It will emphasize originality on African perspectives on ageing and future directions in Research, Practice, and Policy, which would in turn necessitate the direction of future change in the issues of ageing at large.

  • African Journal of Management Research

    African Journal of Management Research seeks to publish works that test, advance and develop models, frameworks and concepts in the broad areas of management, organisation, finance, public sector management, marketing and decision systems.

    The Journal is international and multidisciplinary, which means that topics and themes appropriate for African Journal of Management Research will come from and cut across organisational/institutional sectors (public, private, non-for-profit) and address matters of theory, research and practice from a variety of management and organisational disciplines (finance, operations, human resource, organisational behaviour, marketing, services). The Journal’s multidisciplinary character means it seeks to promote the interplay and nexus between organisational functionality, management practice and economic/national development. The Journal’s aim is to facilitate greater understanding of organisational processes, managerial processes and functions and critical firm level challenges facing developing and emerging areas.

    Papers will have strong theoretical foundations, solid and defensible methodological frameworks with clear empirical stance. In this regard, African Journal of Management Research is mainly empiricist. Our definition of ‘empiricist’ in this context is not to exclude the phenomenological. Rather that papers will have sound quantitative and/or qualitative data, rigorous design and demonstration of exploring and advancing knowledge of the world ‘as-is’. The Journal will periodically accept prescriptive, theoretical and conceptual papers (the world-as-should-be) which in its view present sufficiently ground-breaking discourse of theory, models and methodological paradigms, reviews of the literature or practice which lead to new understandings.

  • Contemporary Journal of African Studies (CJAS)

    The Contemporary Journal of African Studies(CJAS) began its life as the Research Review in 1969, and was re-branded as theCJAS in 2012.  CJAS is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal published twice a year.

  • Feminist Africa

    Feminist Africa provides a forum for progressive, cutting-edge gender research and feminist dialogue focused on the continent. By prioritising intellectual rigor, the journal seeks to challenge the technocratic fragmentation resulting from donor-driven and narrowly developmentalist work on gender in Africa. It also encourages innovation in terms of style and subject-matter as well as design and lay-out. It promotes dialogue by stimulating experimentation as well as new ways of engaging with text for readers.

  • Ghana Journal of Geography

    The Ghana Journal of Geography (GJG) is a refereed journal published by the Department of Geography and Resource Development, University of Ghana, Legon. The Journal publishes the best of original research and scholarship in physical and human geography as well as research from other related disciplines working on issues of spatial relevance. It provides a forum for discussing new issues and ideas of relevance to the developing world.  

  • Ghana Journal of Religion and Theology

    The Ghana Journal of Religion and Theology (GJRT), formerly Ghana Bulletin of Theology (GBT), is an interdisciplinary and ecumenical refereed journal that seeks to serve as a forum for religious studies and to promote the encounter between people of different faith commitments and different perspectives on religion.

    Articles in the GJRT represent neither the views of the editorial board nor the Department for the Study of Religions, the University of Ghana. No part of this written publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, without written permission from the publisher.

    Publisher: Department for the Study of Religions, University of Ghana, P.O. Box LG 66, Legon, Accra Ghana (

  • Ghana Social Science Journal

    Ghana Social Science Journal is indexed and abstracted in the ProQuest Periodicals Acquisition Databases, Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States. The Ghana Social Science Journal is visible on the Web of Science through the Thomson Reuters’ Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI).

    The Ghana Social Science Journal is accepted for indexing in African Journals online (AJOL).

  • Health Sciences Investigations Journal

    Health Sciences Investigations Journal (HSIJ) is a peer reviewed, Open Access platform for communication of research results and policy issues in the health sciences and related disciplines. It publishes manuscripts from basic and clinical health sciences including medicine, biomedicine, nursing, physical therapy, medical laboratory science, environmental health, and medical imaging and radiologic technologies. Articles from all disciplines of allied health are considered for publication. The Journal is dedicated to serving scientists wishing to contribute to global health. The HSIJ publishes in English as Regular articles, systematic/regular review papers, case reports, brief communications and letters to the editor. The journal also publishes interviews on global opinion leaders and policy makers on health matters of global relevance. We welcome original contributions that have not been published and are not under consideration publication elsewhere. Papers accepted for publication are double-blind refereed to ensure academic integrity. 

  • Legon Journal for International Affairs and Diplomacy

    The Legon Journal for International Affairs and Diplomacy (LEJIAD) is an international refereed publication of the Legon Centre for International Affairs and Diplomacy (LECIAD). It serves as a platform for informing, educating and stimulating interest and debate among scholars and practitioners of international studies and diplomacy, as well as the general public, on matters relevant to the geopolitics of Africa and the wider world including security, economics, politics, community relations and law. The journal is also interested in manuscripts that explore relationships between public policy and international affairs.

  • Journal of French and Francophone Studies

    The Journal of French and Francophone Studies (JOFFS), founded by the Department of French, at the University of Ghana, is an annual, bilingual, peer-reviewed, open access academic journal.

  • Science and Development Journal

    Watch out

    CBAS Science and Development Conference.

  • UGCS Training Journal

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